The Association of Central European Schools represents and promotes the educational and public interests of IB member schools

ISK´s Head of IB Rick Lewis is a board member at ACES

Education has taken our Head of IB (International Baccalaureate), Rick Lewis, from America to many places all over the world including Korea, Switzerland, The Bahamas, Russia, and now Austria. Over the past 17 years, Rick has worked as a Head of School, Curriculum Coordinator, Academic Dean, Global Curriculum Coordinator, International School Specialist, DP/CP/MYP Coordinator, and teacher.

Rick has been bringing his vast experience and knowledge to our school for over 2 years now to support the high quality development of ISK Tirol. His new role as an ACES board member contributes to this.

“As a board member for the Association of Central European IB Schools, I am able to be a part of an organization of 40 schools that are focused on an IB education. More importantly, ISK Tirol has a voice in the decisions that are made by this organization. Being on the board also allows me to run all DP Coordinator meetings and influence many schools in our area.” (Rick Lewis)