Class 12a from ISK attended a lecture titled "Wie gerecht ist der gerechte Frieden? Gender als Leerstelle kirchlicher Friedenspolitik" at the University of Innsbruck on Thursday, 21st November 2024. The lecture addressed the relationship between gender and peacemaking, including the gaps in church-based politics of peace.
The lecture discussed how gender perspectives in discussions of justice and peace are often absent or overlooked, especially within religious institutions. It looked at the roles of gender in both the theory and practice of peace politics and invited critical thinking on the inclusiveness of peace-building processes.
The experience was so engaging, and we picked up many valuable insights on the complexities of peace politics, which is very important for including gender in the discussions. This topic provoked reflective thought in our minds, and we appreciate the opportunity to learn in an academic setting like the University of Innsbruck.
It was, altogether, an enlightening experience that furthered our understanding both of social justice and of religion's role in shaping policies for peace.
Kay Strohmeyer (Class representative 12A)
Excursion as part of Catholic religious education (Teacher Stefan Höck, BSc)