Europe in the classroom - ISK Tirol becomes one of 2.000 ambassador schools

On the way to becoming a European Parliament Ambassador School

The ambassador school programme enables schools to network and bring Europe into the classroom. It makes pupils understand what rights they have as citizens of the European Union and what role the European Parliament plays. The programme focuses on promoting pupils' interest in Europe and the European Parliament and strengthening their motivation to participate in democratic processes within the EU.

ISK Tirol, represented by Senior Ambassador Johanna Rauch, kicked off the European Parliament's Ambassador School Programme for the 2024/25 school year with an introductory seminar on 27 September at the House of the European Union and the European Experience in Vienna. MEPs Andreas Schieder (SPÖ),Evelyn Regner (SPÖ),Elisabeth Dieringer (FPÖ) and Anna Stürgkh (NEOS) spoke about their work and emphasised the importance of ambassador schools for civic education. This was followed by a visit to the new interactive permanent exhibition Experience Europe. The exhibition is open to anyone interested in finding out how European politics works.

During this school year, senior and junior ambassadors of the ISK Tirol will organise various activities and take part in further training.

At the end of the school year and after fulfilling all the criteria, ISK Tirol can call itself an “Ambassador School of the European Parliament

The ISK team is looking forward to an exciting school year in which our students will actively shape their future.