Leadership Team & Teaching Staff


School Administration

Ian Barnes, BSc, MRes, MTeach
Head of School / Authorized Signatory of ISK Tirol GmbH

phone: +43 5372 21990, email: office@isk-tirol.at 

Walter Weiskopf, Mag. (FH )
Administration / Managing Director of ISK Tirol GmbH

phone: +43 5372 21990-20, email: office@isk-tirol.at 

Ilse Opreel, MLaw, BA
Management Assistant

Tel. +43 5372 21990, email: office@isk-tirol.at


Monday: 08:00 - 13:00
               14:30 - 16:30
Thursday: 08:00 - 14:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 13:00Friday:     08:00 - 13:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 13:00
                     14:30 - 16:30


Teaching Staff

The following goals are of the highest priority for our teaching staff:

  • Working together with the goal of fulfilling our mission statement
  • Knowledge transfer that is free of deficit orientation
  • Individual development of skills and talents
  • Emphasis on personality development within a respectful environment
  • Increasing self-esteem and the ability to deal with conflicts              


ISK Tirol teachers see themselves as

  • Facilitators of the learning process with a high degree of interest in helping students reach their individual goals
  • Coaches who respond to the individual needs of the adolescents
  • Counselors for the students in all matters related to school 


    ISK Tirol teachers are committed to 

    • The goals of the school, the mission statement and the educational requirements of the IBO
    • Teaching students in a modern and innovative way and in accordance with the IB Learner Profile
    • Promoting the students’ willingness and ability to learn
    • Paying particular attention to using sustainable teaching methods
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    Consultation hours*
    Dipl.-Phys. Lala Adueva lala.adueva@isk-tirol.at
    Mathematics, Mathematics AI
    Tuesday, 09:30 – 10:20
    English A, English B
    Friday, 12:00 - 12:50
    Ian Barnes, BSc, MRes, MTeach ian.barnes@isk-tirol.at
    Head of School
    by prior agreement
    Mag. Laura Bärnthaler (form tutor 11B) laura.baernthaler@isk-tirol.at
    Mathematics AI, IB Coaching, School quality coordinator
    Wednesday, 9:30 - 10:20
    Christian Brandl, MSc christian.brandl@isk-tirol.at
    Friday, 13:40 – 14:30
    El Dean, BSc, MA el.dean@isk-tirol.at
    (IB) Chemistry, Biology, Lab
    Friday, 9:30 - 10:20
    Aliesa de Bray, MSc (Ed), (Head of Upper School / DP Coordinator) aliesa.debray@isk-tirol.at
    Biology, (IB) Chemistry, Lab
    Tuesday, 09:30 – 10:20
    Mag. Julliane de Oliveira julliane.deol@isk-tirol.at
    English B, Spanish
    Wednesday, 10:30 - 11:20
    P. Emanuel Dirlas
    Religion orth.
    by prior agreement
    Mag. Maria Eidherr-Schmid maria.eidherr-schmid@isk-tirol.at
    English B, Spanish
    Tuesday, 11.20 - 12.10
    Carlos Jr. Enriquez, BS Mathematics (Head of Lower School / MYP Coordinator) carlos.enriquez@isk-tirol.at
    Mathematics AA / AI
    Wednesday, 11:20 - 12:10
    Visual Arts, Design
    Friday, 10:30 - 11:20
    Rachel Gerling, BA (form tutor 12B) rachel.gerling@isk-tirol.at
    English B, Visual Arts, Religion cath., Sports, IB Coaching
    Wednesday 10:30-11:20
    Mag. Matthias Gläser (form tutor 5B) matthias.glaeser@isk-tirol.at
    Sports, English B, Morning Circle
    Monday 11:20 –12:10
    Mag. Dr. Stefan Gruber Stefan.Gruber1@isk-tirol.at
    Geography & Economics, IB Economics
    Monday, 10.30-11.20
    Religion cath.
    Wednesday, 14.30 - 15.20
    Naomi Hoodless BA (Hons) PGCE (form tutor 11A) naomi.hoodless@isk-tirol.at
    English A, English B, IB Coaching
    Thursday 11.20 - 12.10
    Mag. George Humphrey, MMus, MMusEd george.humphrey@isk-tirol.at
    Music, Choir
    Tuesday, 9:30-10:20
    Daut Imeri
    Islamic Religion
    by prior agreement
    Mag. Alexander Jarosch, PhD alexander.jarosch@isk-tirol.at
    Mathematics, Physics
    Wednesday 10:30 - 11:20
    Roland Kienpointner, B.Ed.Univ. (form tutor 7A) roland.kienpointner@isk-tirol.at
    German A, History, Morning Circle
    Monday, 10:30-11:20
    Mag. Sarah Kreidl (form tutor 9A) sarah.kreidl@isk-tirol.at
    German A, German B, Geography & Economics, IB Coaching
    Friday, 09:30-10:20
    Mag, Mariavittoria Maratea, MSc. (form tutor 8A) maria.maratea@isk-tirol.at
    Sports, Morning Circle
    Wednesday 12:50-13:40
    Joanne McKeever, BEd (form tutor 8B) joanne.mckeever@isk-tirol.at
    IT, Morning Circle
    Tuesday 11:20 – 12:10
    Lena Middeldorf (form tutor 5A) lena.middeldorf@isk-tirol.at
    Theatre, Religion cath., English B, Morning Circle
    Tuesday, 10:30-11:20
    Mag. Claudia Moser claudia.moser@isk-tirol.at
    German A, German B
    Tuesday, 13.10 -14.00
    Pastor Thomas Müller, MTh
    Religion evang.
    by prior agreement
    Mag. Jonathan Napthali (form tutor 7B) jonathan.napthali@isk-tirol.at
    (IB) Physics, Morning Circle
    Thursday 12:10 - 12:50
    Dr. Herbert Neururer (form tutor 6B) herbert.neururer@isk-tirol.at
    German A, Morning Circle
    Tuesday, 13:10 - 14:00
    MMag. Dr. Sonja Nothegger-Troppmair (form tutor 9A) sonja.nothegger@isk-tirol.at
    German A, (IB) History, IB Coaching
    Tuesday, 09:30 - 10:20
    Mag. Mira Zoe Obermayr (form tutor 10B) mira.obermayr@isk-tirol.at
    Psychology & Philosophy, IB Coaching, German B
    Thursday, 9:40-10:20
    Becky OLIVER, BA, MA becky.oliver@isk-tirol.at
    English A, Theory of Knowledge
    Friday, 8:45 - 9:30
    Ilse Opreel, MLaw ilse.opreel@isk-tirol.at
    Management Assistant
    Office hours: Mo-Thu: 8:00 - 13:00; Fr: 8:00 - 12:00
    Mag. Anna-Maria Plautz anna-maria.plautz@isk-tirol.at
    Geography & Economics
    Monday 10:30 - 11:15
    Mag. Johanna Rauch (form tutor 9B) johanna.rauch@isk-tirol.at
    Monday, 10:30 - 11:20
    Mag. Klaus Reitberger, MSc, PhD klaus.reitberger@isk-tirol.at
    Physics, (IB) Theatre, Administration
    Tuesday, 8:40 - 9:30
    Mag. Angelika Schernthaner (form tutor 6A) a.schernthaner@isk-tirol.at
    German A, Morning Circle
    Thursday, 13:40 - 14:30
    Mag. Daniela Spielmann, MSc (form tutor 12A) daniela.spielmann@isk-tirol.at
    (IB) Biology, IB Coaching
    Monday, 13:10 - 14:00
    Daphna Weinstein, BA, MA (CAS Coordinator) daphna.weinstein@isk-tirol.at
    Visual Arts, Design, Art Club
    Friday, 09:30 - 10:20
    Mag. (FH) Walter Weiskopf walter.weiskopf@isk-tirol.at
    Managing Director / Administration
    by prior agreement
    *Prior notification to the teacher by students is necessary